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Banoon ART & Cytogenetic Centre - Scope of Service

01. Name Banoon Assisted Reproduction Technology and Cytogenetic Centre
02. Phone/Fax
  • Appointments: +973 17766483, +973 17766990
  • Fax         : +973 17766991
03. Hours of Operation Clinic Timings:
  • Sunday to Thursday: 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM
  • Saturday (Private): 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM
  • Sunday, Thursday(Private) :3:30PM to 8:00PM
04. Goals / Objectives of Patient Care Services
  1. To provide personalized evidence based approach to treatment leading to the highest standards of care.
  2. To be the leaders in the practice of ART and to strive to introduce and implement new services with vision towards providing the utmost help in family building.
  3. To provide safe, ethical & proven effective treatment based on scientific evidence.
  4. To ensure confidentiality to patients, families & visitors.
  5. To be cost effective in the use of supplies & manpower.
  6. To ensure & maintain infection rate to the minimum by adapting infection control measures.
05. Direction Director of Banoon ART & Cytogenetic Centre Name: Col. Dr. Mooza Rashid, Senior Consultant Gynecologist & IVF Specialist
Extension: 6215 / 6524
Mobile: 36387500
Consultant Gynecologist & IVF Specialist Name: Dr. Nawal Dayoub
Extension: 6569
Mobile: 33522463
Consultant Urologists

Name: Lt. Col. Dr. Khalid Ahmed Abdullah Mahmood
Mobile: 39637998

Name: Dr. Adnan Shaheen
Mobile: 36400041

Senior Embryologists

Name: Dr. Reem Al Mannai
Name: Ms. Maisa Al Fathi
Name: Ms. Haneen Ezzam

Extension: 6740

Cytogenetic Laboratory

Name: Dr. Hisham Yousif  
Name: Ms. Mariam Al Mansoori
Name: Noora alnoaimi

Extension: 6740

Nurse In-Charge Name: RN Latifa Hassan Abdulla Aldoseri
Extension: 6483
Mobile: 39950990
06. Organization Chart Refer to the attached organizational chart
07. Scope of Services Banoon ART & Cytogenetic Centre is devoted to treat female & male infertilities. It is aimed to provide the best possible medical service & excellent care.
Services Offered
  1. Assessment for people with infertility problems for both male & female.
  2. Preconception advice & counseling.
  3. Cycle monitoring (CM).
  4. Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI).
  5. In Vitro Fertilization
  6. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).
  7. Assisted Hatching
  8. Oocyte Vitrification
  9. Testicular Biopsy
  10. Sperm & Embryo freezing- Fertility preservation prior to cancer treatment.
  11. Chrosomal Analysis.
  12. Pre implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
  13. Molecular Cytogenetics (FISH)
  14. Cytogenetics
    -DNA fragmentation test
  15. Genetics Counseling
08. Criteria for entry / Admission to Service Banoon ART & Cytogenetic Centre deals & treats patients with infertility problems for both female & male.
09. List of Customers (Internal & External) Entitled patients and their dependants, Sponsored and Non sponsored patients with infertility problems. Overseas patients are welcomed & will be provided with all necessary information at their first visit to the centre or prior to that, by email or direct telephone contact.
10. Availability of Necessary Staff The staff manpower include:
  • Consultant Gynecologists & IVF Specialists
  • Consultant Urologists
  • Senior Embryologists
  • Cytogenetic &  Laboratory Technicians
  • Specialized Nurses
  • Ultrasonographer
  • Psychologist
  • Coordinator / Social Worker
  • Secretary & Receptionist
  • Pat lady
  • Cleaners
11. Methods for assessing and meeting patient care needs The patient's needs are assessed by the Consultant Gynecologist & IVF. The care is determined based on historical data, physical & diagnostic services.
12. Scope of complexity of Patient Care Needs The Centre deals and treats both female & male infertility.
13. Appropriateness, clinical necessity and timeliness of support services provided directly by the hospital or through referral services.
  • Direct services are provided by medical and nursing staff.
  • Assessment of patient's condition includes physical & historical data related to patient presenting complaint.
  • Diagnostic services are available through Laboratory, Ultrasonography & other services available in the hospital.
  • Counseling service by Psychologist & Social worker is also available in the Centre.
14. Extent to which the level of care or service provided meets the patient's needs.

A. Clinical indicators

  1. Clinical Pregnancy rate
  2. Ongoing pregnancy rate
  3. Cancelled ART (cycles-Embryo  Transfer)
  4. Ovarian Hyper stimulation Syndrome (OHSS)
  5. Complications:
  •           Ectopic Pregnancy
  •           Heterotopic Pregnancy
  •           Multiple Pregnancy

B. Laboratory indicators

  1. Fertilization rate
  2. Embryo cleavage rate
  3. Grade I Embryo development rate
  4. Thawed Embryo survival rate

C.Cytogenetic Laboratory indicators

  1. Culture Failure
  2. Index of metaphases
15. Recognized standards or practice guidelines when available & put in to practice. The Centre follows the guidelines of:
  1. Ethical Committee
  2. Clinical guidelines from up to date and evidence based literature